Friday, August 26, 2011

Sympli Put.

As SoHo is coming upon it’s 26th anniversary mark, we can’t help but think about age and time. We slowly find ourselves approaching the years of chronic back pain and cringing at the idea of wearing Depends (and not those designed by Claire Campbell). What a bummer.

However, while we may be aging gracefully, gaining wisdom, and starting to figure out a thing or two about how the world works, we are still in a continuous struggle against time. Time to finally lose that weight, be a better person, read more--watch T.V. less, travel to new places, take up fishing, learn how to cook, whatever desires we may have, we constantly find ourselves limited by time. Each of us on our own personal journey to figure “it” out, and whether we are 26, 35, or rounding on 62, it’s not as simple as it seems.

What is simple, or what can be, is how we dress as we submit to the pressures of time; Hence, Sympli.

Jan Stimpson, founder of Sympli clothing based in Vancouver, BC, created this line as a means for women to feel good about what they wear while simultaneously decreasing the amount of time spent obsessing about weight, body, exercise and food. Her vision is that the Sympli clothing allow its wearer to feel confident in comfy clothes and give her the time to focus on the things that matter: taking that trip to Tuscany, learning how to salsa dance, or spending more time with loved ones. Sympli contradicts old father time by creating no barriers. It is designed for women of any age, shape, size, and lifestyle. It literally is for every body. Created with low maintenance jersey for the high energy woman, it is perfect for travel, and easy to mix, match and layer. This clothing wasn’t designed to be complicated, or intimidating; it’s not based on an idea, or inspired by the “ancient Chinese water lilies dancing beneath the sea”. Sympli is a necessity, simply put.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post; it has blog to be exactly I needed. I appreciate the information, well thought for anybody. Thank you
    Sympli the Best Clothing
