Sunday, September 25, 2011

Back In The Hood.

Ahh, FALL. A time for chilly weather, pumpkin spice lattes, and the highly anticipated season premiere of that show we secretly obsess know, the one with all the good looking doctors... Just thinking about it makes me want to dig in my closet for that chunky old sweater I spend endless hours in year after year. We've had some good times--mister cable knit and I. Snuggled up on the couch, reading books, indulging in sweets, and watching Sally meet Harry over and over and over again. Do you have a sweater like that? It makes an appearance one season a year and immediately becomes your staple in- house outfit; because, OBVIOUSLY you couldn't be caught dead wearing that old ratty thing out in public, no matter how comfortable it may be. Can you imagine how mortified you'd feel walking down the street in that mister? With my luck the bum on the corner would probably make some comment about having one that looks just like it. C'est non chic! Which is why this year, I'm going to make every effort to snuggle up with things that are not only cozy, but fabulous, too! A staple that I can wear around the house or pair with leggings and hit the town in style. Hence my new obsession with Prairie Underground. If you thought the snuggie was the best thing to happen to winter, you're in for a shock when you slip these little lovers over your arms. Made from organic cotton and hemp it's hard not to believe me when I say this fabric will lure you into snuggle bliss. Hanging in cozy options from the hooded cloak, cowl neck tunic, kimono wrap, and quilted wing tunic-dress, you'd be smart to hurry in before all the good ones are taken (by me!)... and do yourself a favor, leave old ratty tatty shabby in the closet.

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