Friday, July 29, 2011

Has Been.

While the recent loss of the talented musician Amy Winehouse is considered a great tragedy, not only for those who knew her personally, but also to those who wished to hear more music from the soulful artist (*cough* Martha Parks *cough*), most people would agree that even though the singer’s death did not come as a total shock, the probability that she would have ever produced an album that surpassed the awesomeness of Back to Black was not very likely. In fact, Miss Winehouse made it pretty clear that she was more likely to end up in the “has been” section of the itunes music store than ever making a cameo at rehab. In a few years, her melodies would have probably begun to gather dust alongside the likes of Macy Gray, Right Said Fred, Vanilla Ice, and whoever that guy was who sang the Macarena.

In terms of music, being a Has Been is not a title vocalists strive for, but if you think about it, “has beens” are kind of making a comeback these days. As we grow older, we come to an age where everyone outside of our immediate peer circle is a has been: moms, dads, aunts, uncles, coworkers, teachers… you get the drift. Then one day, there is a sudden revival of all things that have been.

In the blink of an eye, mom and pops have become super cool again, vintage shopping is the thing to do, and uploading photos with your hipstamatic iphone app is the only way to accurately depict your ballin vacation to Atlantic City. Look around. All of a sudden we’re living in the seventies again, guys in their twenties are growing out their 'stache in a schoolboy attempt to emulate Tom Seleck, platform shoes are back in full force (sorry Travolta, we know you wish they'd fade with the fever), and I’m pretty sure I just woke up next to some guy on his Flokati rug--that or his cat shed’s like crazy. So maybe it’s fitting that the recent arrival at SoHo is also a Has Been, a Swedish one of course.

Based on original 70s models, these shoes are so vintage they’re new. Fittingly enthused by the hottest mum in Sweden, who “smoked camels and screamed till her curlers fell out”, these boots are exactly what we imagine Amy could have been thinking about when she crooned “back to black”. You’ve got to move back to move forward, in more ways than one. So in honor of all Has Beens: past, present, and future, come pick up a pair of these boots and give Bianca Jagger a run for Mick's money. …maybe we’ll throw in a lava lamp or two… maybe.


  1. i want to be a has been!

  2. I am a sucker for a has been. Great article!

